
Welcome to theopinionatedinternet.blogspot.com, a whirling hotpot of political opinion, poetry, prose, philosophy, reviewing, and other assorted wild ramblings! Here you will find: PWN, Grand Reviewer and assistant thinker; JAFHR, head of Philosophy, Literature, and Ambassador for France; JHWW, critic/comic materialist; and iTech, computer technician, pilot-in-the-making and co-politician. Fare Thee Well!

Pour les Francophones

Cher Lecteur/lectrice,
Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue A notre blog, L'Internet Dogmatique. Vous trouverez ici tout votre bonheur- Literature, Philosophie, Politique, Revues, Technologie... Par dessus tout, vous trouverez des opinions. Ne manquez pas a publiez le votre!
Pour rendre tout cet Anglais lisible, traduisez simplement cette page en utilisant le gadget que vous trouverez sur votre droite, un peu en bas. Nous regrettons que cette traduction est rarement exacte; il serait peut-etre plus sage d'utiliser ce blog pour pratiquer votre Anglais.
Bien le Bonjour, Messires et Demoiselles,
JAFHR, le Fou Francophone.


This blog has the very specialised content area of everything in particular.  However let it not be said that we will not try and make it interesting and useful (to some extent) with humour added in from time to time  (although whether it is funny is frankly your opinion).
We have four main authors;
 PWN: The Reviewer, the Sane one. Interests: Computer gaming, film watching.
JAFHR: The Philosopher, the Insane one. Interests: Mythology & religion, history, politics, linguistics, and culture in general.
JHWW: The [please fill in gap], the Funny one. Interests: nothing in the known world, not this blog.
iTech: The multitasker, the Serious one. Interests: planes, ICT, politics.
  Feel free to comment - let us know your opinions! 
-The Editorial Team-

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