Hollande: 28.5%
MORE than polls predicted. As I have previously discoursed, this is not good for France; yet it is just as I expected, considering the psychology used in Hollande's campaign.
Sarkozy: 26.1%

LESS than polls predicted. Not bad considering LePen's followers, yet this is the first incumbent president who has ever lost in a first round. Cause for worry.
LePen: 18.5%

MORE than polls predicted. An unexpectedly powerful political figure- where will her voters now go? Many express the opinion of 'Anything but Sarkozy', while others may be true Right-wingers... In her speech she did not mention backing anyone up, which is distressful but to be expected- she cannot support left-wing, but she can't support someone whom she has been criticising for five years.
Melenchon: 11.5%
LESS than polls predicted. Melenchon's speech was all about defeating Sarkozy, not supporting Hollande. We have already seen that Melenchon works by destruction, not construction.
Bayrou: 8.5%
LESS than polls predicted. Will make his intentions public in the next few days, it is however unlikely that he will support Sarkozy.
Joly: 3%
LESS than expected.
Dupont-Aignan: 1.5%
LESS than expected.
Nathalie Arthaud: 0.7%
MORE than expected.
Philipe Poutou: 0.5%
LESS than expected.
Francois Cheminade: 0.3%
MORE than expected.
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