
Welcome to theopinionatedinternet.blogspot.com, a whirling hotpot of political opinion, poetry, prose, philosophy, reviewing, and other assorted wild ramblings! Here you will find: PWN, Grand Reviewer and assistant thinker; JAFHR, head of Philosophy, Literature, and Ambassador for France; JHWW, critic/comic materialist; and iTech, computer technician, pilot-in-the-making and co-politician. Fare Thee Well!

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Cher Lecteur/lectrice,
Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue A notre blog, L'Internet Dogmatique. Vous trouverez ici tout votre bonheur- Literature, Philosophie, Politique, Revues, Technologie... Par dessus tout, vous trouverez des opinions. Ne manquez pas a publiez le votre!
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Bien le Bonjour, Messires et Demoiselles,
JAFHR, le Fou Francophone.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Weird World of Fashion

I know barely anything about fashion. In fact, I don't even know what the word means. Here's some definition from the Google dictionary:  'A popular trend, esp. in styles of dress, ornament, or behavior.' You have noticed that I rather like trilby hats. The only reason for this is that I saw one in a charity shop for £3. I don't buy any of my clothes first-hand. In fact, half my clothes are from my cousin. The one thing I know about fashion I know from my grandmother, and this is this: 'Green bathtubs are out'. That's it. Really.

So then, what am I going to fill this page with? That is a good question. I'm not really sure. Perhaps I do, unconsciously know more about style than I think. However, I ought to distance style and fashion at this point. Style is (almost) constant, there are many things which are stylish, some of which I own (iPad 2, Skullcandy headphones), but that is not the same as fashion. Style is understated and elegant, fashion is all about being as outlandish as possible because everything sensible that can be done has been done. That's just the way I see, if you want to rage at me in the comments then go ahead.

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